I absolutely LOVE the British dialect. I try to engage as many people as possible just to I can hear the proper tongue. We got into Heathrow late Monday night and made it to our hotel via a Coach (bus- but don’t call it a bus, call it a Coach). What’s funny is that even in a country where almost everyone speaks English, I still have to ask the locals to repeat themselves because I just cannot understand them. Well, that and I love the dialect.
Tuesday morning we went on a bit of an excursion. Our hotel isn’t far from Buckingham Palace, and so we decided to walk (yes, walk. Again.) around and see a few sights:

The Horse Guards.

I’ll tell you what, though. There was this show on the BBC that sucked so hard, it made me question the integrity of British Television. The show…oh, wait. The show’s American. I’ve never heard of this show, which was playing between one of the thirty-eight iterations of Law and Order:
Huh? WTF is this shit? After some quick research, I find out that Sue Thomas is actually a deaf FBI agent. That would make a good Lifetime movie of the week (which they have the Lifetime Channel here), but a recurring TV show? More research told me the show was originally on PAX in the US, but was cancelled a few years ago. Man, even God didn’t have long enough patience for deaf Special Agents with guide dogs.
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